I post here about smaller projects I'm working on, updates to larger projects and art, trips I go on, personal stuff, and more!


OCT 08 2024 | PERSONAL

right after last post, i ended up finding a job, and have been working full time for the past two months! i'm very glad to be financially stable, but working in retail is exhausting. i find the time every now and again to explore my new city, and really get to know all of the little things like the fire hydrants, street lamps, traffic signals, etc. ive spent a bit of time organizing my huge backlog of photos, i am hoping to upload more to flickr if i can find the time, one day i will be all caught up and actually uploading current things...


JUL 27 2024 | HYDRANTS

for the first time in probably a year, i got to a new place and photographed some fire hydrants! today i visited Bennington, VT, and got some nice photos. the mill village of North Bennington, a few miles north of the city center, has many Ludlow hydrants still in use, installed between the 1890s and 1960s, including some configurations I have not seen or had the chance to photograph before. I also got photos of some of the more modern hydrants in use around Bennington. Expect to see these on my Flickr soon!


JUL 26 2024 | PERSONAL

the past two months have been a lot of life things, and not much time for projects. in mid-june, i moved to a new city and have spent much of the time since then looking for jobs. i'm hoping that soon i will be able to spend more time working on projects, and not be as stressed about it all.
lately ive been spending a lot of my free time distracting myself from the cold hand of capitalism around my neck, with things like Minecraft and videos about weird technology. ive lately been very fascinated with telephone systems, and hav been learning about them. well anyway, look forward to hearing from me more :p